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Washington Monthly Best College for Adult Learners logo
August 28, 2018


Academics | Alumni Outcomes | Student Success

Curry College was ranked #9 in the Best 4-Year Colleges for Adult Learners category of the 2018 Washington Monthly College Rankings. The College increased its ranking by 29 spots since the 2017 rankings when the College was #38. 

Curry received the highest marks possible for its ease of transfer, flexibility of programs, and services available for adult students. The ranking methodology also included the graduation rate of part-time adult learners (71 percent) and the mean earnings of students 10 years after college entry ($62,887).

"Our adult learners navigate academic responsibilities on top of employment, family, and life situations as they work to achieve the dream of a bachelor's degree," said Dr. David Szczerbacki, Curry College Provost. "We are proud of the Washington Monthly recognition, which validates the commitment of our faculty and staff to providing personalized support and quality academic experiences."