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Associate Professor Sheryl Cifrino Earns Ph.D. in Health Professions Education
February 28, 2019


Academics | Faculty Accomplishments

Dr. Sheryl Cifrino (Pictured 2nd from the right), Associate Professor of Nursing, recently earned her Ph.D. in health professions education.

On February 27, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, "Exploring the Effects of Audio Feedback on the Communication, Knowledge and Motivational Interviewing Skills of Undergraduate Nursing Students Addressing Behavioral Health Issues with Patients." Dr. Coleen Toronto from the Curry College School of Nursing served as a member on the dissertation committee.

During her professional career, Dr. Cifrino has worked in clinical areas that include intensive care for pediatric burn patients, long term care and rehabilitation environments. She is academically prepared as a nursing educator with a focus on utilizing simulation in nursing to enhance the Quality and Safety Education in Nursing during baccalaureate education.