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Student with Dr. Grant Burrier at Four Year Dean's List Reception
April 28, 2017


Academics | Student Success

On Wednesday, April 26, Curry College honored seniors who were named to the Dean's List for each and every semester they attended the College. This special event took place at the Shelley I. Hoon Keith and John W. Keith Alumni House and recognized 57 members of the Class of 2017 for their exceptional academic achievement.  

President Kenneth K. Quigley, Jr., Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. David Szczerbacki and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Carrie Cokely offered remarks to congratulate the graduates on their achievements. In addition to celebrating and commemorating their achievements, each honoree was asked to invite a person at Curry whom they felt had most contributed to their academic success.

View photos from the ceremony

To qualify for the Dean's List, students must earn a 3.30 GPA, have no incompletes, and have no grade lower than a "C" for the semester. Full-time students must carry 12 or more graded credits for the semester.


Jessica Abban
Elizabeth-Anne Amerault
Nicole Anderson
Caitlin Blanchard
Anna Bregoli
Brendan Buckley
Robert Cammalleri
Victoria Capezza
William Cullen
Malhieek Depina
Kassidy Dias
Nathan Durand
Alexandra Fiorentino
Carolyn Fitzgerald
Sydney Fournier
Lauren Gaffney
Analicia Garcia
Nicole Grambley
Alexandra Hansen
Ryan Hathaway
Daniel Herlihy
Lydia Hixson
Nikki Hoefer
Eileen Hoffman
Makayla Hughes
Christopher Kelley
Megan Kosciak
Brittany Lawler
Courtney Lee
Jessica Letendre
Melissa Linskey
Salvador Lopez
Oskar Lutge
Maggie McGinnis
Ashley Morrill
Patrick Mount
James Murphy
Colin Murphy
Allison Murray
Justin Nice
Ellery O'Hara
Daniel O'Mara
Courtaney Parks
Delaney Randor
Christopher Robey
Ashlyn Roy
Alana Santos
Leyah Savage
Eileen Scollins
Brett Sinclair
Ethan Spiewakowski
Emma Sullivan
Meagan Talbot
Brendan Therrien
Matthew Triest
Rachel Van Heest
Tyler Vankleef

Edward Allen
Grant Burrier
Dale Carberry
Elizabeth Carey
Cathleen Colleran
Dorria DiManno
Maryann Gallant
Julie Grady
Holly Gray
Larry Hartenian
Bob MacNeil
Michelle McMahon
Mark Metevier
Sheena Murray
Eileen O'Keefe
Linda Romano
Sarah Rozene
Mary Ryan
Joanne Seltzer
Linda Tenofsky
Rosemarie Valentino