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U.S. News and World Report article image
January 09, 2017


Student Success

U.S. News recently published an article about the 10 common scholarship myths that could be costing students money. In the article, Stephanny Elias, Curry College Associate Vice President of Finance for Student Financial Services, shares what she believes are the top three myths that exist when it comes to applying for awards. 

From the U.S. News article: 

MYTH: If You Don't Meet the Criteria, Don't Apply 
College financial experts say students should consider applying for scholarships even if they don't meet all the requirements. "Sometimes agencies or foundations are flexible and if they can't find the appropriate recipient from the applicants meeting all the criteria, they might loosen the criteria slightly making room for an otherwise ineligible student," says Elias. 

MYTH: Only College Freshmen Receive Scholarships 
While a number of scholarships are for high school students, there are scholarship resources for students who are already in already in college. Elias recommends for college students to research award opportunities "using reputable scholarship searches online." 

MYTH: Small Scholarships Aren't Worth the Effort 
Many scholarships award small amounts - usually a few hundred dollars, college counselors say. Very few students, they say, win a full ride. "A number of small awards of $500 can add up to some significant dollars. If you're thinking of not applying, it means others are thinking the same," says Elias about increasing one's odds for finding more scholarship money. 

Read the entire U.S. News article to learn about other myths: 

10 Scholarship Myths That Could Cost You Money