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School of Nursing faculty members in Ireland
August 15, 2017


Academics | Faculty Accomplishments

The Curry College School of Nursing was well represented at the recent Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Congress in Dublin, Ireland.

 Nursing faculty members Dr. Coleen Toronto, Dr. Barbara Pinchera, Dr. Maureen O'Shea, and Dr. Maureen Hillier presented their research to nearly 1,400 nurse researchers, students, clinicians, and leaders from around the globe.

Presentations included:

Coleen Toronto and Ruth Remington: Review of Methodological Quality of Systematic and Integrative Reviews in Nursing 

Maureen Hillier: Newly Licensed Nurses' Experiences with End-Of-Life in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit 

Maureen O'Shea, Mary McCarthy, Barbara J. Pinchera, and Margaret Sullivan: Nursing Programs and Supportive Housing Sites: Mutual Benefits of Multigenerational Engagement Through Innovative Academic-Practice Partnerships