Dr. Ann Marie Leonard-Zabel presented at the 4th USA Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury in Washington, D.C. The title of her presentation was "How Traumatic Brain Injury Impacts Pediatric Learning and Memory." The conference, which is held once every seven years, welcomes professionals from around the globe to learn about the latest research on traumatic brain Injury across the lifespan.
Dr. Leonard-Zabel also presented on the topic of "The Forensic and Legal Implications Involving Juvenile Psychopathology from a School Neuropsychological Perspective" at the International School Neuropsychology Summit in Dallas, Texas. Her presentation touched on new ground in the field of School Neuropsychology of which she presented on various methods of assessment reviewing brain-behavior implications impacting safety, dangerousness, and competency to stand trial among at-risk and neuro-atypical children and youth.
In addition, she recently received an international certification as a Brain Health Coach awarded by the Amen