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Make an AppointmentPartnering for Success
Curry College maintains strategic relationships with area businesses, community-based organizations, hospitals, school districts and other educational partners all of whom support the delivery of our mission and enhance the academic experiences of our students and alumni.
Academic & Strategic Partnerships with the College are active, vibrant, multifaceted and mutually beneficial for both the College and our partners. Partners provide academic experiences, pathways to employment, and support the College philanthropically or provide access to Curry’s academic programs to students or employees either on-campus, on-site or virtually.
The College is actively exploring additional partnerships that align with and support our mission. For additional information on establishing a partnership with Curry College, please contact Michael Bosco, Associate Vice President of Academic & Strategic Partnerships at

Curry Connectors
Curry Connectors are our partners who are seeking to develop a diverse workforce pipeline and who are also interested in supporting and participating in industry-relevant academic programming such as mentorships, class visits, class consulting projects, networking events, or career fairs.
Academic Experiences
The College is committed to connecting as many qualified students as possible with meaningful academic internships. To support internships, faculty serve as internship facilitators helping to prepare, support, and through our partnerships, match appropriately prepared students with specific internship opportunities. Students are supported during their internship by an on-site supervisor at the host organization as well by a faculty supervisor who interacts with both the student and the on-site supervisor to ensure that the intended outcomes of the internship are achieved. Academic internships are available for most majors and minors. Curry College personnel also stand ready to assist organizations that are interested in creating new internship opportunities to support our student’s academic goals.
Internship Program Employer InformationNursing Clinical Partners
All students in pre-licensure Nursing programs are required to complete clinical rotations or preceptorships as part of their curriculum. To support clinical education, the College maintains relationships with many area hospitals, healthcare providers, and community-focused agencies. In addition, the College has an established Dedicated Education Unit to support clinical education. While students are engaged in these experiences they are supported by clinical faculty who guide individual or small groups of students.
School of NursingEducation Field Placements
All students accepted into the Education majors are required to complete participation and observation experiences, pre-practicum and practicum experiences as part of their degree and credentialing requirements. To support outstanding field placements, the College maintains relationships with many early care and early interventions settings, local school districts, community organizations and educational service providers which provide support to children and families. These partnerships satisfy credentialing requirements and the career aspirations of students. Students engaged in these experiences are supported by department leadership, a faculty field placement coordinator and program supervisors. The faculty in these roles interacts with both the student participating in the experience as well as with the supervising practitioner/mentor teacher as well as directors and administrators who work with the student during their experience.
Undergraduate Education Program Information Graduate Education Program InformationStudy Abroad
The College maintains affiliations with global universities as well as with study abroad provider organizations in order for Curry College students to study around the world. Through these partnerships students have studied in countries such as Australia, Czech Republic, England, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Scotland, Thailand.
Study Abroad InformationAcademic Research and Project Based Learning
Guided by Curry’s faculty, students are active researchers and project managers contributing to the improvement of organizations and society as a whole. The College has partnered with organizations to participate in a Covid-19 testing study to discipline focused capstone projects at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Advisory Boards
Partners have the opportunity to collaborate with Curry faculty on helping to connect industry to the curriculum by serving as a sounding board for current programs and those programs in development. Advisory Boards typically meet twice per year and members are committed to helping to advance Curry College and support our students’ academic interests and goals. Additionally, Curry College faculty and staff are also available to bring their expertise to advisory boards, task forces, or committees hosted by partner organizations.
Post-Graduate Experiences
Graduate Education Programs
In addition to offering 5th Year graduate programs to our students, Curry College also partners with other colleges and universities to provide pathways for graduating students to pursue graduate degrees in programs not offered at Curry. Individual partnerships with other colleges and universities as well as consortium memberships provide our students with pathways to graduate programs in counseling, law, public health, and the humanities.
Employment Opportunities
Partners have the ability to hire Curry graduates through developing pipeline programs that introduce employers to our students through on-campus recruitment opportunities such as Job Spots and the annual Career Fair, serving as guest lecturers, establishing job shadow programs, and sponsoring class and student groups visits.
Dental and Medical School Early Acceptance via LECOM
Curry College is partnered with Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) to offer our students a variety of early acceptance programs to medical school and dental school after completing their undergraduate studies requirements at Curry. These exciting professional programs include Dental Medicine (DDM), Osteopathic Medicine (DO), Pharmacy (Pharm. D.), and Podiatric Medicine (DPM).
LECOM Dental and Medical School Early Acceptance ProgramsEnrollment and Workforce Development
Preferred Partner Pricing
Through established relationships, Curry offers preferred organizations a discount on our graduate education programs for their employees. This employee benefit is an additional way that employers can be competitive in their search for prospective employees, support the retention of current employees, and to maintain a well-educated workforce prepared to meet the emerging needs of their industry. Organizations with preferred partner pricing also have application fees to graduate programs waived.
Education Partners ProgramEmployee Sponsorship
Partners have the ability to sponsor an employee’s pursuit of an undergraduate or graduate degree. Through this “grow-your-own” model, employees can be sponsored for enrollment in a degree program at Curry which will provide the employee with the academic, critical thinking, problem solving and leadership skills needed for growth within their organization.
On-Site Programs
At scale, the College has the ability to offer cohorts of our academic programs on-site for partners who would like to provide this as a benefit to their employees or as degree completion options for their students.
Transfer Agreements
Curry partners with individual institutions or through consortium relationships to offer pathways to our degree programs through a variety of means. Relationships with community colleges as well as four-year colleges are possible for relationships to support undergraduate or graduate student interests.
Transfer AgreementsDual Enrollment
Local school districts have the opportunity to partner with Curry to provide their high school students with the opportunity to get a jump start on earning college credit and immerse themselves in a college setting by establishing a dual enrollment partnership. The College will work with district leaders to identify the appropriate course offerings to meet their goals and help support the promotion of dual enrollment at Curry to their students.