Schedule an appointment to meet with Career & Experiential Learning about your area of interest.
Make an AppointmentSupport Your Student’s College Experience
Your student isn’t the only one joining the Curry College community. You’re an important part of this journey too. Starting college is a time of transition for both students and their families—and we’re here to help you make it successful. Find tools to keep your student on track academically, encourage them to participate in Curry activities and even follow what’s happening on campus.

Prospective Families
Applying to college involves a lot of moving parts. Is the application complete? How can we afford it? Is it even the right place? Whether your student is still looking for the right fit, working through Curry’s application or is eagerly counting the days until Orientation, you can play a part. These resources can help you stay on top of deadlines, learn more about financial aid and help you assist your student in making an informed decision.

First-Year Parents
The first year at college can be exciting, stressful and unfamiliar—for both you and your student. Curry is here to see you through the challenges. These resources can prepare you for some of the typical speed bumps we see as students and their families make the transition to college.

Your Role as a Parent
As your student adjusts to campus life, your role as a parent doesn’t end, but it does change. Even though you may be farther away, you can help your student navigate the demands of college-level work, encourage them to get involved in the Curry community and steer them to support when it’s needed.

Digital Access to Curry
You can see grades, academic schedule and financial aid information on the myCurry portal as long as your student provides access. In addition, the Curry Family Hub e-newsletter keep you and your family in the loop on campus news, events and more.

Safety on Campus
Nothing’s more important to you than the safety of your student. We feel the same way. Our Department of Public Safety operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing routine patrols, safety escorts and other services. While most department members are sworn police officers and trained as first responders, all are dedicated to ensuring campus is safe, secure and welcoming.

Wellness at Curry
When life gets really busy for your student, taking care of themselves can be the last thing on the to-do list. It’s no different in college. However, overall wellness is a vital part of helping students perform at their peak. At Curry, our wrap-around wellness resources cover eating well, fitness, physical well-being, and mental health and counseling.

Office of Alumni and Parent Relations
When your student becomes part of the Curry family, so do you and your entire family. Join us for Family Weekend, come watch a game on campus, sign up for our e-news, help with alumni and family events in your area or even be part of a career network for current students.